Tuesday 17 December 2019

Tuesday, December 17

Dance Thursday pm
Spirit Days...

  • Wednesday - Beach Day
  • Thursday - Crazy Day
  • Friday - PJ Day
Holiday Party Friday pm

Chapter 5, Lesson 2 in Nelson textbook
2D Geometry test signed

Electricity test on Thursday.  We'll review as a class tomorrow.  Here is the study guide...

- static electricity (be able to describe it)
- current electricity (be able to describe it)
- electric circuits
- series circuit vs. parallel circuit
- switches
- energy transformations (a radio turns electrical energy into...)
- conductors vs. insulators (know the difference between them and a few examples of each)
- sources of energy, like nuclear, solar, wind, etc...(know the basics of how they produce electricity and a few pros and cons of two of them)
- energy conservation (know some ways that we can conserve electricity, such as using energy efficient light bulbs or natural light, timers, tankless water heaters, etc...)

Social Studies
Students should be finished collecting information on the community they are researching before they leave for the holidays so we can focus on the writing and maps when we get back.

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